
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$14,937 towards $7,000

213 -113 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donor

Welcome to Caring People Alliance's 2020 #GivingTuesday web page!

We have gathered our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support our work. By becoming a fundraiser for Caring People Alliance's #GivingTuesday campaign, you will help more families in Philadelphia, and you will help your friends feel good about doing good.

Starting a fundraiser is easy to do, and it is fun. We will even give you all the tools you will need to make a difference. With your help we can pave a pathway out of poverty for our community members.

To troubleshoot any issues or concerns you might have, contact our team at

To learn more about Caring People Alliance visit

Recurring Donors

49 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

Shannon Bolyer 0 100 A

Shannon Bolyer

Tanya Brown 0 100 A

Tanya Brown

Heidi Brubaker 30 70 A

Heidi Brubaker

Caitlin Butrica 290 -190 A

Caitlin Butrica

Sheila Colon 187 -87 A

Sheila Colon

Rache Cross 52 48 A

Rache Cross

Zoey Dade 0 100 A

Zoey Dade

Ronald Doherty 30 70 A

Ronald Doherty

Kierah Fowler 0 100 A

Kierah Fowler

Emily Geliebter 22 78 A

Emily Geliebter

Diane Getzinger 25 75 A

Diane Getzinger

Branon Gilmore 208 -108 A

Branon Gilmore

Robin GIST 320 -220 A

Robin GIST

Anika Goyal 1140 -1040 A

Anika Goyal

You will get these tools to help you run a successful campaign:

Pre-Built Templates

Send emails and social media messages to supporters based on expert-tested templates.

A Smarter Donation Page

Solicit more donations with proven-success templates established from industry best practices.

Automated Notifications & Emails

Keep your campaign on track with various automated features designed to get you closer to your goal.